this my god to godwars.
i suggest bringng good armor like bandos voi dragon or barrows.
I also suggest atleast 60 prayer because when he hits you with mage your prayer goes down.
Another suggestion is atleast 70 hp because he can hit 50s with mage.
Once you have all of that talk to the gnome pilot he is locatd at ::home.
Your inventory should have 5 prayer potions a weapon with a good specail nd the rest good food.
Use protect from melee against saradomin wizards and kill 5 of them.
Once you have gotten the 5 kills you can enter use protect from melee and always keep you hitpoints above 60
I suggest if you do not have void or d claws bring a team.
goodluck i hope you get good drops.
top 10
i suggest bringng good armor like bandos voi dragon or barrows.
I also suggest atleast 60 prayer because when he hits you with mage your prayer goes down.
Another suggestion is atleast 70 hp because he can hit 50s with mage.
Once you have all of that talk to the gnome pilot he is locatd at ::home.
Your inventory should have 5 prayer potions a weapon with a good specail nd the rest good food.
Use protect from melee against saradomin wizards and kill 5 of them.
Once you have gotten the 5 kills you can enter use protect from melee and always keep you hitpoints above 60
I suggest if you do not have void or d claws bring a team.
goodluck i hope you get good drops.
top 10